Friday, April 6, 2012

Bubble Wrap Indian Corn

As a child, many of us found bubble wrap to provide mindless entertainment. Popping bubble wrap was a fun activity that could be enjoyed while watching a movie or laying out in the sun. Little did we know that bubble wrap could be used for a variety of other activities including arts and crafts projects.

One creative way to use bubble wrap is for making Indian corn. This is a great activity do with your child for Thanksgiving and only requires some simple supplies.


Bubble wrap
Hole puncher
Small paint brush
Yellow, tan, rust, black and red paint


1. Print out a corn pattern online. Just do a simple Google search and you’ll be able to find one easily.

2. Cut the bubble wrap into the shape of corn using the printed pattern. Cut out 3 corn shapes.

3. Paint the 3 corn shapes three different colors: yellow, tan, and rust.

4. Once the paint has dried, use the paintbrush to paint some of the kernels red and black. This will make it look like Indian corn.

4. Glue the painted corn onto card-stock backings. Punch a hole on the top of each of the corn and tie all three together with raffia.

5. Hang the corn on a door knob or use it to decorate the table for a Thanksgiving meal.

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