Sunday, September 23, 2012

Custom Shopping Bags: A Win-Win-Win

Custom shopping bags are a bit of a win-win for the retail industry.  Retailers get the option to customize shopping bags to suit their own brand.  So when customers subsequently use these bags, that retailer benefits from the free branding/advertising.  On the other hand, this is not a one-way deal.  Customers get to choose what customized shopping bag they are going to use.  What this means that customers get to customer their own shopping experience.  Add to this, custom shopping bags are likely to be re-used, which cuts down on the number of paper or plastics bags, helping the environment and making this more of a win-win-win situation.

custom shopping bags - plastic bags

Bubble Mailers and Bubble Wrap for Cardboard Boxes

Bubble mailers (often referred to as bubble wrap) make for a great investment choice.  By protecting the contents of items being shipped, bubble mailers help ensure safe delivery of the most fragile of items.  This is especially useful given the fact that  cardboard boxes provide very little protection from the shock associated with standard shipping methods.

Aside from its well-known use in the shipping and packaging industries, bubble wrap is sometimes used for other things.  Some of these varied uses include insulation for dog houses, protection for plants against freezing weather, and some even claim therapeutic success.  Environmentalists will be happy to know that bubble wrap is recyclable.

Bubble Mailers - Bubble Wrap